Monday, November 26, 2007

NU TV Boycott & Monitoring

* isu agama, lembaga agama

NU TV Boycott & Monitoring

August 31st, 2006, in Islam, Media, News, Religion, Television, by Patung

Members of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) are threatening to boycott television, unless they get their way on the gossip show issue.

At their last national conference the NU issued a fatwa forbidding their members, or nahdliyin, from watching a certain kind of television gossip show, or infotainment. Now the leader of the Central Java branch of the NU, Muhammad Adnan, is threatening stations that unless the fatwa is adhered to his members will boycott the box.

…so we can ask NU members to not watch television, in other words boycott it.
(…maka bisa saja kita minta warga nahdliyin tidak nonton televisi, dengan kata lain memboikot.)

This threat, he believes, will carry some weight with the television companies, but he says it is still only a possibility.

He also said that the NU, in conjunction with the Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah (KPID), Regional Broadcasting Commission, was continually monitoring television broadcasts, not only to catch out forbidden forms of gossiping, but also pornographic content, violence, and such like. The KPID was cooperating with this action by providing written reports to the NU on request, aiding the NU’s efforts in guarding the moral integrity of the nation.

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