Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pengguna Internet di Hongkong by Nielsen

We’re at work, and we’re online in increasing numbers, with daytime, ’primetime’: ACNielsen

18 February 2004
Hong Kong

The at-work population in Hong Kong is fast becoming a coveted audience among marketers looking to leverage the Internet as the ‘primetime’ medium during the day, according to the findings of a Hong Kong Internet User Survey conducted at the end of 2003 by ACNielsen Consult.

“The Internet as an advertising medium is fast becoming an efficient and effective way to reach the elusive Hong Kong worker, who spends less and less time with traditional media and increasing amounts of time online, including at the workplace,” said Richard Sandlant, Associate Director, ACNielsen Consult.

“The at-work online audience is large and growing – out of the total HK workforce of 3.52 million, 685,000 (20%) regularly go online at work. These regular Hong Kong Internet users are a demographically attractive group of individuals who have higher than average incomes, educations and tendencies to shop and buy online,” Sandlant added.

They also access the Internet more often, with 81% saying they accessed the Internet every day, including weekends, and 89% said at least every work day. During the course of their day, the internet offers a highly effective means to reach “at-work” audience numbers.

“It makes sense, people at work rarely find appropriate opportunities to watch television or flip through newspapers or magazines, but for many the Internet is a vital work tool, similar to using the phone or a fax machine,” he added.

% with incomes upwards of HKD 300,000 pa


% of at-work users have a college degree or higher.


% with high speed access at their workplace


% with unrestricted access to Internet at work


% connected to Internet all the time during the working day.


% with access to news sites at work.


% who used the Internet at work yesterday.


% who prefer to find out about new products on the internet.


% of at-work users - skewed marginally more men than women


77% 25-54 age group - by baby boomers and generation X'ers.


Internet users in Hong Kong visiting the Sing Tao website compared to the regular Hong Kong Internet User population.

At-work users visit a wide variety of websites, from portals, search engines and directories to news and information sites, and strongly prefer the Internet over other media as a means of obtaining information about products and services. They also spend more time online over the entire work week (i.e not just during the work day) than they do with any other media. For example, 53% of at-work users spend 2 hours or more each day on the Internet, compared 35% spending 2 or more hours each working day watching TV, and 12% spending 2 hours or more listening to radio.

Although the main source of daily news before work is TV (38%),during work hours the Internet leads significantly amongst all other media with 61% saying they referred to the Internet.

For all those employers who do not currently allow Internet access or restrict Internet access at work, the survey revealed that 74% of the sample said that access to the Internet has improved their work productivity. The ACNielsen Consult survey found that at-work internet users represent a large and important target segment.

“The question remains as to whether they are ‘engaged’ when they are online at work, and if so, how susceptible they are to advertising and marketing programs. Marketers who target affluent professionals through in-home, in-car or print media, can complement and reinforce their traditional media placements with even more targeted creative and daypart relevant ad buys,” Sandlant summarised.

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